Contact Us

Your information is confidential. Our site is secure and encrypted for your safety.  It’s easy and it’s free.  We NEVER sell or provide any of your information with ANY other person, place or thing – EVER.

Use the simple form below, give us a call on the phone, or send us a note.


Phone Number of our Office: 718-727-9125


Fax Number of our Officer: 718-727-9149


Mailing Address:

   Janet E Norton MD

   1629 Victory Boulevard

   Staten Island NY 10314



Fill in the blanks and click submit!

Please be aware that contact does not create a physician-patient relationship, and that no individual medical advice can be given. Do not use this method of contact if you are experiencing any medical emergency – CALL 911 or go to the nearest hospital Emergency Room. These messages will be monitored during regular business hours only.

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